Our Services

We are passionate about what we do and we believe that better engagement with residents, politicians and stakeholders leads to stronger relationships and ultimately better planning decisions and developments. 

​Irrespective of the nature of the plans, the size of the site or type of activity, effective and meaningful engagement and consultation with local politicians, stakeholders and the community is essential to the success of any scheme. We work closely with our clients and the consultant team, from initial scoping and strategic planning all the way through to achieving the desired outcome. 

 The support we provide to our clients can be broadly broken down to the following three areas:

Stakeholder & Politcal Relations

"Effective stakeholder and political relations is important to the delivery of any project. Understanding the motivations, reservations and pressure-points of stakeholders can help gain valuable feedback, build key relationships and understand the unique local context which, ultimately, delivers better planning decisions and developments.

At Consult Communications, we have extensive cross-party political reach, experience and links which helps guide our stakeholder engagement.  

Community Relations

It is crucial that formal engagement and consultation takes place – and is seen to have taken place. Not only is it essential but it gives the local community a sense of ownership too. Thorough and genuine community engagement enables us to understand what motivates a local community, where likely issues may arise and what opportunities exist to improve or promote the scheme.

​At Consult Communications, we go that extra mile and ensure no stone is left unturned.


Digital engagement has become even more important than ever and is vital for ensuring that all stakeholders and communities can engage. It allows us to reach a wider audience and important harder to reach groups. Whether it’s a social media campaign, online exhibition or information website, it is essential to ensure the best engagement strategy possible.

​At Consult Communications, we ensure that your digital offering delivers what is needed.